Specialist Dentistry

At Hadley Green Dental, Dr Angela Nketia runs  specialist services within the practice under her brand AVA Clinics.

Specialist Dental Services

At Hadley Green Dental, Dr Angela Nketia runs  specialist services within the practice under her brand AVA Clinics.

These include:

AVA Dental Referral for Specialist Periodontal (gum disease)  Referrals   –  This is a complex and specialist gum disease clinic).

AVA Aesthetics – Aesthetics and Skin care clinic

You may find that your dentist refers you to our specialist dental clinic, AVA Dental Referral.

We have a registered Specialist dentist in Periodontics (Gum disease) .

In the UK, the General Dental Council holds a register for dental specialists. Having met certain specific criteria, only these dentists on this distinct list, have been given the right to use the title ‘specialist’.

Dr Angela Nketia  is  a Specialist Periodontist and is able to offer specialist gum treatment for bleeding gums, gum recession, loose teeth, gummy smile and  implant diseases.

This means as one of our patients you are able to have all of these needs managed within the same practice.

Gum Treatment

Gum disease is a sign of poor oral health as well as poor general health and should be taken seriously.

The gums and the underlying bone are the foundations of our teeth. The gums and bone provide support, holding the teeth in place, but they are also a port of entry for harmful plaque and bacteria if they are not looked after.  Bleeding gums are a sign of a problem and need attention and treatment in order for the issue to be resolved.  Most people simply hope that the bleeding will stop, which is not the case.There are two stages of gum disease:


This is when there is inflammation of the gums with bleeding, swelling, sometimes pain. However,  there is no bone loss. If diagnosed and treated early, this does not have to progress to the next stage of gum disease.


This is the more advanced stage of gum disease and is characterised by bleeding, swelling, sometimes pain, loose teeth and may eventually lead to tooth loss.  This usually requires specialist treatment with a periodontist.

If you notice that your gums are bleeding after brushing your teeth, book an appointment to see one of dentists.

In the first instance you will need to start a good home care regime and see the hygienist.

Your dentist will advise if you need to see the specialist periodontist.